
Where can you host a Friends of Live Earth event?

You can host a FOLE event(s) at a single or multiple locations around the world, including India. It can be held anytime from Dec 5th through January 7, 2009. All events must be registered by Dec. 6, 2008 at the Live Earth website

Hosting a Friends of Live Earth event can be done as follows

  • Send an email to all the members of your mailing group(s), local chapters, and friends/family sharing details of the Mumbai Dec 7th 2008 event, your own Friends of Live Earth India event(s) if applicable, encouraging them to organize their own event(s). Share this flyer.

  • Host your event(s) at a single or multiple locations across India simultaneously with the main concert event in Mumbai on Dec. 7th.   As long as it is not competing with the main event in scope or celebrities, you can host a concert or other public event in support of Live Earth India, and show selections/the entire show from the concert from the live STAR broadcast.

  • Host your event(s) at a single or multiple locations across India anytime between Dec. 5th and Jan 7, 2009.

Examples of Friends of Live Earth Events that can be hosted worldwide

  • Use one of The Climate Project (TCP) volunteers to give an Inconvenient Truth slide show presentation developed by Al Gore and customized with Indian facts.

  • Tree Planting Ceremony (partners such as Isha Foundation will provide saplings in some parts of India).

  • Organize a screening of the Main Mumbai Live Earth concert either in a private setting or in a public concert venue such as an auditorium or stadium.

  • Host a “Green Talk” discussion group within a community organization.

  • Hold a local green concert in your community.

  • A letter writing party, sending messages to local politicians, news outlets, or utility companies about the need for more green practices.

  • Organize a screening of Inconvenient Truth, Planet Earth, or a similar movie in a private or a public setting.

  • Create a flyer with suggested solutions to combat the global warming climate crisis and distribute them in your neighborhood (on 100% recycled or eco-friendly paper of course!)

  • Corporate “Family” Day at a corporation using a combination of the above.

How can Ixoraa help promote your business/entity

  • If an entity makes a significant effort in hosting a major Friends of Live Earth event(s) or if your corporation has made a significant contribution in honoring a mandate that "greens" office campus, and/or office environment, then:

    • It may be showcased during the Dec 7th, Live Earth India event in Mumbai.  Entities seeking to create a large-scale "Friends" event suitable for this type of video feed should contact Ixoraa Media staff.

    • If your event(s) is held at a later date but before Dec 31, 2008, it may be showcased in the final documentary that Live Earth will produce post-event or on the Live Earth website. 

    • The entity may be highlighted on the Live Earth website as part of "Event of the Day."  This notification reaches over 400,000 members worldwide in the weekly email that will give exposure to your effort in highlighting and creating awareness regarding the global climate crisis.

  • Based on an entity’s contribution, Ixoraa Media will work with Live Earth to create features on specific events that will be posted to the Live Earth India blog, which will be a permanent part of the Live Earth India site, and which can contain logos, photos, video clips and links back to your organization.